The memory is volatile (RAM)                                           The main memory is (RAM)                                               The computer BIOS stored (Flash)                                    URL stand for (uniform recource locator)                                  LAN spead are measured in (MBPS)                                                 32 bits are   used in (IPV4 address)                                            How many bits in IPV6 address  (128 bits)                             One   terabyte is equal (1024 GB)
  64 bits is operating system(Windows XP)
  HTTP protocol is used transfer data over (web)
  BIOS stand for (basic input output system)
  DNS stand for (domain name system)
  DMA stand for (Direct memory Access)
 The functional key display save as box(F12)                       The common type of storage devices (optical)
  NOS stand for (Network operating system )            
