Best ways for lose the fat without exercise  

photo credit to dawn news 



Almost every one want about body weight but not the stomach excess fat around is more worrying.

In fact it does not matter much in term of health whenever you have to look at the amount of body fat , but also the fat around the stomach ,this extra fat can lead to many major diseases such as diabetes heart attack ,depression and other can diseases.

Don’t overcome   

Hasty overcome to the office or educational institution and other offices in the morning increases stress on the mind and a hormone cortisol , the body excretes and the amount increases .

According to the medical research , this results can increase in fat around the stomach in the morning ,take things in sling and try not focus too much on the problem.


Exercise and fast walk is one of the best ways to lose fat and you have to daily routine making it is the first thing in the morning also makes it possible ways to get energy.


Eat more routine at breakfast can reduce swell fat ,eggs are big source of protein.

One medical research also found that increasing the amount of fiber in breakfast can also reduce the amount of fat helps to melt , porridge may be the best for this purpose.

Suggest water over juice 

Liquid sugar contain high level in juices which can lead to increase in body fat .

Sweet drinks increase the amount of fat in the liver ‘According to research “ so it is better to drink juice suggest water instead

Sleep long time

Sleep is important for may health aspects such as losing fat, Insufficient sleep results in physical exhaustion and icrease in body fat which leads to bloating ‘According to research Adult should make it habit as routine sleep from 7 to 9 hour every night ,but most people sleep less then 7 hour according to research short sleep can lead to fat.

Good night sleep can reduce the risk .

Light physical activity as a habit (Walk)

Physical activity is very best and important for weight. Walk is one of the best ways among the exercise when you have to go from home to office or educational institution you have to go by feet maximum 15 to 20 minutes per day, which is habit to keep fit and  very well moderate physical activity such as gardening ,house work, dancing ,climb the stairs ,lifting heavy objects from one place to another place 


Fast helps the body lose weight ,8 to 10 hours left to eat so long as it in the diet for body ingredients have a chance to be digested by doing this the body also start dissolve fat for  energy.

Detriment of fast food

When you eat food too fast and devour snacks without chewing well the digestive system unable to cope resulting in obesity over time while this habit irritates the chest increases the risk of life diseases .

Slow eating also increases enjoyment of food while gas and flatulence are not a problem